di POE
ISBN: 9788853615879


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Edgar Allan Poe’s only novel is an exciting and unmissable story and a classic of American literature.


His name is Arthur Gordon Pym. He comes from Nantucket. Nantucket is a  town in America, near the sea. People from Nantucket are often sailors. His grandfather is a lawyer. He’s famous and he’s very rich. Gordon Pym is very lucky.

He is only eighteen years old, but he as a small boat. Its name is the Ariel. He often goes sailing on the Ariel, near Nantucket. He has a good education and a dream: he wants to go to sea. This is the story of his adventures at sea. He meets pirates, a ghost ship, and storms.

He visits Kerguelen’s Land, Prince  Edward’s Island and Tristan da Cunha before arriving in Antarctica.

Autore: POE
Editore: ELI
Numero di tomi: 1